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Amino Acid Surfactant
  • Features and Application: Rich foam, lipophilic amino acid surfactants. Can effectively disperse most oils to help steadily disper....
  • Features and Application: Hexagonal diamond liquid crystal thickener / liquid crystal suspension stabilizer. With the amount of mo....
  • Features and Application: Spherical liquid crystal thickener / liquid crystal suspension stabilizer. Using 15%-30% to thicken vari....
  • Features and Application: Mild, moisture. In the washing products, it can effectively reduce the degreasing power of the system, p....
  • Features and Application: Very rich foam, foam stabilizing effect similar to the soap base, mild, easy to thicken, commonly used a....
  • Features and Application: Good foaming performance, easy to thicken; remain humectant after cleansing, less tightness; significant....
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